Local wines

The name "Local wine" is a Spanish geographical indication which includes table wines that have a specific feature, either by environmental conditions or cultivation of the grape, are the equivalent of French "vin de pays" or the British "regional wine". This geographical indication guarantees the origin and a minimum quality for wine, but unlike "appellations of origin" the geographical area can only be administrative, without specifying a smaller area. Thus, some of the indications of "Local wine" can be; Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León, Granada o Formentera among others.

El Revolcón 2014

Availability: 100 In Stock
Vino tinto V.T. Castilla. 85% Tempranillo, 10% Petit Verdot, 5% Merlot. Maridaje con embutidos , legumbres , pastas , arroces y estofados ligeros. Tempereatura de consumo: 14-16º C

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